2016 Celtic Challenge - Selection Complete

Thank you to all who responded to our request for images, the NIPA selection process for this competition has now been completed. I will be attending the competition to represent NIPA. The invitation is open to all members of NIPA affiliated clubs. Please see further details from Martin Nagle below.
He can be contacted at martinnagle1@hotmail.com if you want to confirm your attendance before the 17th September.
The Welsh Photographic Federation are pleased to host the Celtic Challenge 2016. We hope that the following Federations and associated regions will take part; Cornwall, North Wales, Isle of Man, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and the Welsh Photographic Federation. The event will take place at 1:00pm Saturday 15th October at the Glamorgan Holiday Hotel in Porthcawl, South Wales CF36 3BW.
Judge: Martin Fry, FRPS, APAGB, AFIAP, AV-AFIAP from the Midland Counties Photographic Federation.
The Competition will comprise of 3 parts, Colour Prints, Monochrome Prints and Projected Images. Each parts will require 10 images.
I hope that members of WPF Clubs will escort visitors on Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday and Sunday mornings. South Wales is a very attractive area to visit, especially the coastline…..the Heritage Coast between Ogmore by Sea and Penarth, and the outstanding Gower peninsular. Cardiff and Swansea are within easy travelling distance and there are a number of interesting country houses and historic sites to visit. The PAGB Inter Federation print and projected images exhibition will be shown in Barry, which is about 20 miles from Porthcawl, and will be well worth a visit. Please note, this exhibition will not be open on Sunday. I will retain a copy of the exhibition catalogue for all our visitors.
On Saturday evening, we will be hosting a dinner at the Glamorgan Holiday Hotel. There will be a 3 course dinner with a choice of menu, and entertainment by the Morlais Male Choir. The cost of this will be £15 per head. Reservations and menu will have to be made in advance, and more details will follow.
Please confirm your intention to enter as soon as possible, and indicate how many of your supporters are likely to attend in person. Tickets for the dinner are limited to 50 guests, and priority will be given to visitors. Please let me know if you wish to attend the dinner by Saturday 17th September, after which tickets will be offered to members of the WPF.
We in the WPF are eagerly looking forward to hosting this competition, If you have any queries, please contact me. I will be very happy to help.