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Other Events

Events Organised by PAGB


The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) is the national organising body for club photography in the UK.  Its members are 15 regional federations, of which, the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA) is one.


PAGB Inter-Federation Print and PDI Competitions:


  • The competition is organised by PAGB for its member federations.

  • The competitions are both judged on a single day in June each year organised by a PAGB team. 

  • Member federations of PAGB host the judging day and provide a venue which is open to the public if the venue is suitable.

  • There are four sections i.e. Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints, Open PDIs and Nature PDIs.

  • The number of entries submitted by each federation is one third of the number of its member clubs and is the same in each section.

  • Entries for these competitions are selected by NIPA from the work of individual members of its member clubs.



PAGB Club PDI Championship (July):


  • Organised by PAGB for Clubs belonging to its member federations:

  • Two clubs are nominated by each federation to take part.  In NIPA the clubs finishing first and second in the previous season’s Inter-Club PDI competition are given first refusal to participate in the competition.  Thereafter clubs placed lower in the previous season’s competition are invited to volunteer.

  • The competition takes place annually in July in the Arts Centre at Warwick University near Coventry.  In addition to two clubs from each federation, the 8 finalists from the previous year’s competition are also invited to participate.

  • Entries for the competition are selected by clubs from the work of their individual members



PAGB Club Print Championship (October):


  • Organised by PAGB for Clubs belonging to its member federations:

  • Two clubs are nominated by each federation to take part.  In NIPA the clubs finishing first and second in the previous season’s Inter-Club Print competitions are given first refusal to participate in the competition.  Thereafter clubs placed lower in the previous season’s competitions are invited to volunteer.

  • The competition takes place annually in October at Connah’s Quay in Flintshire (North Wales).  Two clubs from each member federation of PAGB take part plus the 8 finalists from the previous year’s competition.

  • Entries for the competition are selected by clubs from the work of their individual members.



PAGB Great Britain Cup:


  • Organised by PAGB for Clubs belonging to its member federations:

  • The Great British Cup is an inter-club competition held annually. It is a projected digital image competition open to all PAGB affiliated clubs. The competition is split into three sections i.e. an Open section for larger clubs, a Small Clubs section and a section for Natural History images.

  • The closing date for the competition is normally early in January, entries are accepted from November onwards.

  • Entries for this competition are selected by clubs from the work of their individual members



PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit (APM):


  • The Awards are open to all members of Clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their Federations and are at three levels,

  • Credit (CPAGB) - Blue badge and certificate

  • Distinction (DPAGB) - Red badge and certificate

  • Master (MPAGB) - Gold badge and certificate

  • They are held for life without any annual fee and holders are entitled to use the designated letters after their name.

  • Awards are available for Prints, PDIs or A/V Sequences

  • All applicants must pre-qualify in accordance with their Federation's criteria as having supported Federation photographic events. This support must have been given for a minimum of 2 years for CPAGB, 3 years for DPAGB and 5 years for MPAGB from current active photographers. A retrospective period of 10 years may be considered. Applicants for MPAGB must have held DPAGB for at least 11 months on date of application.

  • Application forms may be obtained from the NIPA Awards Officer.

  • Adjudication of print and PDI submissions takes place in April and November each year.  Some sections are heavily in demand and application is recommended at least 9 months in advance of the adjudication date. Adjudication of A/V sequences takes place annually in February.

  • Further details can also be obtained from the PAGB Handbook and the downloadable PDF documents at:


  • All club members who qualify are encouraged to seriously consider entering for these awards.

  • Full details concerning pre-qualification etc. are available from the NIPA Awards Officer – Alastair Jack ( Phone 028 9083 5956.




Events Organised by FIAP


The Federation Internationale de l’Arte Photographique (FIAP) is the international organising body for club photography.  NIPA is affiliated to FIAP through PAGB.  Scotland is a member of FIAP in its own right, as is the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF).


FIAP Club's World Cup:


  • This is an annual PDI competition and is open to individual clubs World Wide.  Entering Clubs are required to submit 20 images from at least five authors.

  • Clubs should apply directly to FIAP.  Further information is available on the FIAP Web site at:-


  • This page contains links and downloads supplying the entry forms and rules, as well as the full results (including pictures) from previous years’ competitions

  • The closing date for entries is normally in October




Other Events:


Celtic Challenge:


  • An informal grouping of 7 or 8 Celtic regions in the British Isles and Brittany exists to organise the annual Celtic Challenge.

  • There are three sections, Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and PDIs

  • The event normally takes place towards the end of September

  • The venue for the competition and responsibility for its organization rotates around the Celtic Regions, a judge is chosen from outside these regions. 

  • The Celtic Challenge is won by the region which has the highest total of marks over the three sections.

  • Individual awards are given to the authors of the top entry in each section.

  • Entries for the competition are selected by NIPA from the work of individual members of its member clubs.





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