Northern Ireland Photographic Association
Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
Awards for Photographic Merit
26th November 2022
Observer tickers are now available and we have only 40 seats left. Come along and see what's involved with the APM as entrants go for their Credit, Distinction and Masters levels. Tickets are only £10
Awards for Photographic Merit are open only to members of clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their federation, with each federation taking their turn to host the event. NIPA have the pleasure of hosting the next APM on Saturday 26 November 2022. It is estimated that 1050 images will be assessed on the day across Credit, Distinction and Master levels.
The APM will take place at Parkhall Integrated College, Steeple Road, Antrim BT41 1AF, commencing at 10:30am. The Reception Desk will be open from 9:00am to 9:30am to allow entrants to deliver their prints. Admission to the event is by ticket only, with doors opening at 9:45am.
APM entrants receive a free Entrant Ticket for the event and have priority access to purchase additional Observer Tickets for their supporters until the deadline for submission of entry forms. The remaining Observer Tickets will go on General Sale on Tuesday 1 November 2022 at a cost of £10.
Requests for tickets should be made by emailing the Reception Secretary, Dr William Allen (w.allen@qub.ac.uk). If spaces are available, the Reception Secretary will provide details for payment via PayPal, and on receipt of payment will supply the Observer Ticket.
Catering has been organised at the venue and in order to ensure sufficient supplies are available, when you request your ticket, we would ask you to also confirm whether you wish to avail of the catering facilities. Lunch (soup and sandwiches plus tea, coffee and traybakes) will cost £10, payable on the day (cash sales only).
We look forward to welcoming you to the APM on 26 November.