2016 Celtic Challenge - Submissions Required

2016 Celtic Challenge
South Wales
Saturday 15th October 2016
An informal grouping of 7 or 8 Celtic regions in the British Isles and Brittany exists to organise the annual Celtic Challenge.
There are three sections, Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and PDIs.
The venue for the competition and responsibility for its organization rotates around the Celtic Regions, a judge is chosen from outside these regions.
The Celtic Challenge is won by the region which has the highest total of marks over the three sections.
Individual awards are given to the authors of the top entry in each section.
Entries for the competition are selected by NIPA from the work of individual members of its member clubs.
For your information, each competing region is required to provide 10 images in each competition. A minimum of three photographers must be represented in each section.
Club members can submit mono prints, colour prints, and open PDIs (including Nature PDIs) for selection for the 2016 Celtic Challenge. Prints should be mounted on 50cm x 40cm boards. PDIs should be in JPEG format and not more than 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high.
Prints should be brought to the NIPA Council Meeting on Monday 5th September. If this is not possible prints can be submitted up to Monday 12th September by prior arrangement.
NIPA has a bank of PDIs from its 2015-16 competitions and the 2016 NIPA PDI Exhibition for consideration by the selectors. Photographers are invited to submit any other PDIs that they wish to have considered. Images should be emailed to me at alastrjack@aol.com by 12th September.